I've been answering quite a few questions on Quora lately from novice investors. I guess it's good that people are at least asking questions rather than sitting and doing nothing, but either way, it's a little bit scary what's out there. These are the wrong questions to be asking. They're all centered around getting rich quick - which I'm sorry to tell you, doesn't happen with investing unless you're hustling and have a lot of money to throw around. But then I think back to how … [Read more...]
[Video] Myth 3: Investing Might As Well Be Gambling
Welcome back. This is myth number 3 in the Four Biggest Myths of Wealth Creation video series. I hope you've been enjoying the videos so far. If you missed any or would like to watch them again, you can check out videos one and two at the links just below. I recommend doing so if you missed them. They'll reveal some very interesting mindset shifts you can make that can dramatically alter the results you can achieve with your personal finances and wealth creation. Here are those … [Read more...]
Myth 2: Only Money People Should Invest
Ok. Welcome back to the Four Biggest Myths of Wealth Creation series. I hope you enjoyed the first video. If you missed that, you can check that out here - https://academysuccess.com/myth-1-cant-get-rich-working-someone-else/ Now, let's move on to the next myth - one that limits people on a massive scale, and most likely you on some level. This one goes something like this: "Only 'money people' should invest""You have to be a math whiz for that stuff to work""I just don't know … [Read more...]
[Video] Myth 1: You can’t get rich working for someone else
This is a pretty typical myth that I want to bust wide open for you today. In fact, a Google search for this exact phrase yields about 22 million results. Many are on top publications such as Business Insider, Forbes, and MSN. This TOTALLY freaking blows my mind… I don’t know what these writers were thinking, but I guess they forgot to break out their calculators when they came up with that idea. Or maybe they just have a really convoluted definition of what it means to be rich. Most … [Read more...]
[Video] New series starting this week
Hey guys. It’s Cody. I’m really excited to be talking to you today. I've got a couple of really cool things to share with you. First, I’m going to take you on a little bit of a mindset journey with where you are now in regards to your personal finance situation, and what you might be able to achieve in the near future. The second is a special announcement about an awesome series I have planned for you that’s coming up this week, but I’ll get to that in a minute. First, let’s talk about … [Read more...]
The Super Simple Secret to Subconscious Success
In the book "Connected" by Nicholas Christakis, Christakis reveals study after study that explains how even weak social ties, even people you don't even know, can drastically influence your behavior. So it's not that surprising that our closest friends can heavily impact our level of success. A Story of Behavioral Change "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with" - Jim Rohn I first heard this quote at a conference when I was in my early 20s. At … [Read more...]
[Video] 4 Inner Demons You Need to Conquer, And Exactly How to Do It
Believe it or not, there was a point in my life where there was no way in hell I would have even thought about publishing online. I thought to myself, who would want to listen to what I have to say? What if people don't like me, what if they make fun of me? Those being among other self-defeating thoughts. And at the time, I seriously believed it. Today I look back at that person and can't even believe it was me. And according to my survey results, I know for a fact that a lot of you out … [Read more...]
[Video] How A Simple Slap to Convention Can Net You Two Vacations
I've always thought that doing things because "that's what you're supposed to do" is a really dumb reason to do anything, and that plays a big part in what this lesson explores. Nearly every post on this blog shows you how to find a better way to do something in your life, and this may be one of the most useful and widely applicable of all. It tackles a personal finance issue that every couple in the world has - not having enough spending money - and even applies to you single folks out … [Read more...]
Accomplishing Short Term Goals, Try This Unconventional Approach
Quite a few people struggle with leaving things unfinished. In fact, I used to struggle with this very thing myself. There's a lot of psychology and brain chemistry at play when it comes to motivation, and the reasons humans behave in certain ways. This has a huge effect with the conventional advice that most big box experts give out to people to help them accomplish their goals. They'll tell you to tell as many people as possible, get buy-in, get your idea out into the world. But that … [Read more...]
[VIDEO] The Single Best Way to Free Up Time For Personal Goals
The single largest barrier everyone has to accomplishing personal goals is being able to free up time in order to work on them. Sure, some people have more time than others, but almost none of us take the most advantage of the blocks of "free time" we have in our lives as well as we should. I know dozens of people personally who have started with the technique I am about to teach you, have been able to "free up time" as they started to change their routines, and have completely transformed … [Read more...]