Believe it or not, there was a point in my life where there was no way in hell I would have even thought about publishing online.
I thought to myself, who would want to listen to what I have to say? What if people don’t like me, what if they make fun of me? Those being among other self-defeating thoughts.
And at the time, I seriously believed it.
Today I look back at that person and can’t even believe it was me. And according to my survey results, I know for a fact that a lot of you out there are the same way that I used to be.
You have some pretty cool things that you want to do, but you have some of the same inner demons and limiting beliefs that I had that you’re allowing to hold you back from doing great things.
That’s why I wanted to share this video with you that is directly from the first Module of my Output Overdrive course. Not to just tell you how to do overcome these demons that you may have, but to show you the reality that was once mine, that I was once there as well, and that there is a way to beat it.
But before you dig into the video, I want to throw a shout out to one of the people that I credit for helping me conquer some of my own demons, Erica Douglass of
Her and I met a few times by almost pure coincidence, first while she was in town close to where I lived at the time. She otherwise would have been three thousand miles away. The second while we were both at the same conference, which I had no idea she was at, we just randomly met at the hotel bar, and was at a different chapter in both of our lives than the time before.
Call me crazy, but it always felt to me like there was a reason for both of those random meetups. I started following her content after the second time we met, and a lot of it really helped me take things to the next level with the projects I was working on, and my life as well. The coolest of which has been the birth of life changing resources like Academy Success and Output Overdrive.
So this post is a thanks to her for being an inspiration to me, as well as hopefully a huge leap in the way you think about the possibilities of your own future.
Conquering Your Inner Demons
(If you’re having trouble streaming the video, try switching the HD off)
Feel better? The homework I cite in the video is only for members of my Output Overdrive course, as part of the actions from the learning process, but I still encourage you to do it.
It’ll help you identify where those sticking points are in your life, and recognize when they’re happening so more easily get past them when they do.
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