Over the last few days, I’ve heard from dozens of you who have shared your goals and dreams with me, which has been amazing. I sincerely thank all of you who have reached out.
Now, you’re about to learn about the third myth of highly productive people, and the final training post of this series.
This myth is something that holds a lot of people back from striving forward to accomplish their goals, because they don’t fully grasp the psychology behind accomplishing goals.
Breaking Down the “Discipline” of High Achievers
Think about any highly productive person you know in your life. What do they have that allows them to succeed?
Almost everyone answers “they’re extremely disciplined” – that they seem to be able to push themselves through anything, with an extraordinary resolve for success.
Discipline plays a huge role in success… right? Successful people just naturally have more of it… right?
Actually, that’s a total myth… and I’m about to bust it wide open.
What if I told you that you have the same amount of ‘discipline’ within yourself that any highly successful person has?
Imagine you had basically no discipline limit. What would that allow you to accomplish?
What the outside world sees as sheer discipline in highly productive people is often nothing more than a series of carefully crafted systems they’ve created to make things MUCH easier on themselves.
Me personally, I’m no stranger to hard work, but if I can make something easier on myself, would I be more likely to do it? You’re damn right!
You’ll see there’s a lot of psychology at play here…
The Discipline Ceiling And How to Avoid It
You see, we all have a ceiling of discipline, if you will. Once we hit our capacity, we hit our failure point and need to recover.
Those of us who can maintain a high level of output have simply created systems that allow us not to hit that capacity, or at least to extend it well beyond what it normally would be.
Take the example of losing weight. This is something that the vast majority of people fail at, so let’s explore how to be successful with it using systems to increase discipline capacity.
There are a couple of parts to the equation. To keep it simple, let’s explore the nutrition side of the equation, simply just because anyone can relate to this.
The Psychology of Discipline
It’s hard to eat healthy all the time. There is a lot of food preparation, more frequent grocery trips, more cooking, etc. Eventually, it starts to really suck, and this is where most people fail.
But the person that will succeed with their goal to keep a healthy weight (the “disciplined” person) will find ways to make this activity easier on themselves so they don’t have to rely on sheer discipline.
They will eliminate failure points by doing things like preparing meals a week in advance, working grocery trips into other errands, preparing easy and healthy meals, or even having people do these things for them (aka Hollywood).
They’ll do anything they can to reach their goal with the lowest amount of work and discipline needed.
This is also known as the path of least resistance, and is a cornerstone for highly productive people.
It’s not lazy. It’s just smart.
Because of this, they’ll have a much higher chance to succeed because they will never hit that frustration point of wanting to quit.
While this is a simplified example, it’s a solid one. This concept is the same for any type of goal.
Efficient productivity systems that take advantage of raising discipline capacity will result in dramatically heightened success, while those that rely on sheer discipline alone will almost always fail.
A lesson I teach in personal finance (more on that in the coming months) is you can’t get rich by cutting back. You have to increase your earning capacity. The exact same thing is true here.
You have to increase your capacity for discipline in order to accomplish more.
Find ways to make things easier on yourself, and you’ll have a much better chance of success.
Using Psychology to Find a Better Way
There is psychology in everything we do, every single day of our lives.
That’s why I always tell you to ‘find a better way’ – because the way most people do things is driven by the way society has molded them to behave – which in many cases is unfortunately not the best way.
By understanding the the WHY behind human productivity, you won’t be just emulating some techniques you read on a poster. You’ll be able to craft your own productivity systems around these deeply rooted reasons, achieve your goals more easily, and leave yourself with capacity for a massive level of high output.
The first two lessons shared tactics that involved quite a bit of psychology as well.
Motivating yourself involves knowing what kind of stimulation triggers psychological responses in your brain. By taking advantage of emotion, you can more easily stimulate your motivation triggers.
Streamlining makes you focus more on the high return items in your life, causing a psychological “top performer” effect in your brain to occur. This helps you to take your time much more seriously.
There’s psychology in nearly every facet of being a highly productive person, and that’s what my new course is developed around – the science and psychology of productivity, and helping you harness it to put your output on overdrive.
Output Overdrive is Now Open
Yesterday, I told you that I was going to announce a resource in today’s lesson that will change your life.
This resource will help you achieve any life goal you have
It will help you massively increase your productivity
It will help you control your time to free up 15-20 productive hours a week if not more
It will help you conquer your inner demons that are holding you back
It will teach you more motivation techniques like the few I’ve already shared with you
It will help you identify and eliminate the excuses you make that hold you back from being more productive
And much much more… Just check out what Matt had to say
“I’ve known Cody for over three years now, and he’s one of those people you just LOVE to be around. His attitude and outlook on life has not only inspired me as a business man, but in my personal life as well! His passion to help others achieve success and “go for their dreams” is phenomenal, and it really shows through in the Output Overdrive Program.
Getting past my “demons” was and still is a big issue, but when Cody shows you how to get around those things that are standing between you and success, you’ll see how they aren’t as big of an issue anymore. He helps build better attitudes, and helps show you a pathway to freedom.
If you value your personal life, and where you will be going in your professional life, you will want to listen to what Cody has to say. There simply isn’t enough passion to enjoy life like their used to be and Cody will make you care about achieving greatness again. Do yourself a favor, and don’t pass up the Output Overdrive program. Pick it up, and do great things!”
– Matthew King, Owner PilotFlashCards.com
Matt is in the armed forces, and has a ridiculous daily schedule, yet he still manages double the amount of output that most people do that do not have such a commitment.
He gets it, and you will too.
Output Overdrive will take all of your skills and at least double their effectiveness. Click to tweet this
The lessons you will learn will, in a nutshell, turn you into an output producing machine, and put your productivity on overdrive.
Output Overdrive is a premium High Definition video productivity course designed to teach you the ways of the highly effective individual through the use of science and psychology.
When you’re finished, you’ll be equipped with not only the knowledge to drastically increase your output, but also a road map I will help guide you to create to begin to achieve some of your largest life goals.
I’ll help you plan out how to set your goals
How to think about them so you’ll be able to more easily achieve them
How to break them down into manageable chunks
And all of the time management tactics and strategies to achieve them
Your mindset will steadily morph into that of a top performer as you work your way through the course.
I’ll walk you through worksheets and assignments within the course that will help you start to actually take action right within the members area. You’ll get things done right along with me.
I’ll even be right with you along the way, just an email away if you need support or have trouble.
As I shared with you just a few days ago, I built Academy Success to make a big difference in the world, and Output Overdrive is going to be a resource that will do that for your life.
I’ve spent hundreds of hours developing this course, and thousands of dollars of my own money, and I’m incredibly excited to get it in your hands, and with this offer, I’m making it much easier on you to get in.
Your Exclusive Special Launch Only Offer
Because you’re a member of Academy Success, you’re getting access before anyone else. This course actually won’t be open for full retail purchase for another couple of months, and once it is, the price will be over DOUBLE what I’m about to offer you, only to increase from there.
This offer is exclusive to you as a reader of Academy Success.
That’s a MASSIVE 61% discount from the retail price of $197.
Fast Action Bonus
To sweeten the deal even more, I’m going to offer fast movers something I’ll likely never do again for free.
The first 5 people to join will get a 45 minute private coaching session with me to help you 1 on 1 with the contents of the course – which honestly more than pays for the value of the course alone.
But I cannot open up personal coaching to everyone.
That’s only available to fast movers, so if you’re ready to improve your life, accomplish your goals, and find a better way for yourself, I urge you to act quickly.
Once those spots are filled, the coaching offer comes off the table, however the discount price will still be available.
If you’re not into coaching, you’ll of course have access to the full Output Overdrive course at the highly discounted priced of $77.
Oh and one more thing…
You’re Grandfathered in For Life
Everyone who gets in on this deal will be grandfathered into Output Overdrive FOR LIFE. This course is the flagship of Academy Success, and this course will eventually become far more content-rich than it is right now.
Like any product, it will increase in value as the content increases, and that means it’ll eventually sell for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars (some similar online courses from big names sell for $2000+. I’ve actually taken them personally).
If you get in on this group of students, you’ll never pay another dime for any additional content in Output Overdrive. You’ll keep growing yourself, for free.
I must be a little nuts to offer that…
Considering what I have in store for the development of this course (think a total array of life skills to skyrocket your success), it would be craziness to pass that up.
I don’t want you to miss out, so please understand that this offer is very limited. Be sure to get in on it while you can.
I will send a few additional reminders with more details, but when the launch is over… remember… I will NEVER make this offer again.
See you on the inside!
PS: This special launch price is available for a limited time. The first 5 registrants get 45 minutes of free coaching with me. Act fast. These spots will fill up very quickly.
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