I’m working on writing the first significant publication of Academy Success today, so this is going to be a pretty short post. Nevertheless, this is a pretty powerful tip that can really help you squeeze some extra output from your day – by finding your productivity sweet spot.
It’s a true productivity enhancing life hack, and one of the key things Academy Success is all about teaching.
You see, every person is different as to what times they’re most effective throughout the day. We all have a productivity sweet spot, so to speak. Some people are most effective in the mornings. Some people, afternoons. Some people, evenings. And some people, even burning the midnight oil into the wee hours of the morning.
If you’re wondering about me, I’m a 10am – noon type of dude. Don’t ask me why. I really don’t know.
I’ve never really been much of a morning person, or much of a night owl either. All I know is, it’s 11am as I write this, and it’s coming together pretty easily. I’m focused, productive and still have a burning desire to get a lot more done throughout the day. Granted I can string together periods of focus when I need to, this seems to be the recurring sweet spot for me.
My recommendation to you is to figure out what your productivity sweet spot is, and harness it. Schedule your most important tasks, the ones that will require the highest level of mental output on your part, in that block of time. This will ensure you’re putting that time to good use.
You can figure this out by doing just a little bit of self-observation. Simply observe yourself throughout the day for a couple of weeks and find that sweet spot of when you’re in a blazing glory of output.
Most often, this will just hit you out of nowhere. You’ll notice yourself just churning and burning through your daily tasks. It’ll be like you’re not even thinking about what you’re doing. You’re just getting things done with great speed and accuracy.
Note when that time is, and remember it. This time is when you’ll want to try to get in your most important daily tasks.
Alright – time for me to get back to work on the first publication of Academy Success. Exciting! It’s getting close, so keep an eye out!
To Your Success!