Get a Raise – The #1 mistake people make (plus an embarrassing story)
I probably say this a dozen times or more throughout the training videos in Get a Raise Without the Worry, my course designed to help you get a raise without negotiating.
But as a show of good faith, I’m just going to drop it on you right now, for free.
If you learn nothing else from me, learn this, and take it to the bank.
Getting a raise is not about you. It’s about the business and the results you bring.
Let me say that again.
Getting a raise is about the business!!!
When I tried to get my first raise I remember sitting across the table from my future boss, who had just handed me a salary offer. It was a very cool moment in my life, but I wanted more than they were offering.
So being the sly dude that I thought I was I decided I was going to negotiate for more (without any preparation).
The next words out of my mouth were “If you don’t pay me more, I won’t be able to make as much when I leave here for my next job.”
Talk about the worst argument in the history of the world. I honestly don’t know how they didn’t toss me out of the company right there.
Let’s examine that for a second. What did I do wrong?
- I made my justification completely about me.
- I didn’t make it about the results I’ve produced.
- I didn’t make it about being a high performer.
- I didn’t make it about my skills, level of education, or any other differentiating facts.
- I didn’t make it about any statistic whatsoever other than my own greed.
Managers absolutely HATE this.
Arguments That WON’T Help You Get a Raise
The initial temptation when we think we need to get paid more money is to default to self-serving arguments like:
- I’ve been here for X number of years. Pay me more.
- Janet makes X number of dollars. I should make just as much.
- My kid needs braces. I have to make more money.
- I haven’t had a raise in X years. I’m due.
The same thing is happening here that happened to me.
These arguments say nothing about results, performance, market value, or provide any justification other than the employees own interests.
Your Company Cares About Your Performance, Not Your Problems
That’s a recipe for an immediate shutdown. It’s not that you don’t matter as a person, but your company doesn’t care about your problems enough to pay you more just to solve them.
If you’re not focused on providing and demonstrating value when you ask for a raise, you will fail, or at best, get a tiny raise just to shut you up.
Everyone has different skills. Everyone produces different results. Everyone provides business results in their own way.
And some provide much larger results than the rest.
So, what would a better argument be?
Arguments That WILL Help You Get a Raise
- I’ve completely automated our ordering process, increasing efficiency by 58%, saving the company $142,000 every year.
- I’ve replaced X software with Y software, saving the company over $22,000 every year with the same level of productivity.
- I’ve increased the conversion of X webpage, increasing revenue generated by $9,000 in the last quarter alone.
- I learned how to use X software package which provided Y result for the business.
They’re not weak and selfish arguments based on your own personal needs.
They show that you have provided the business with a result already, and massively strengthen your position that you should be compensated at a higher rate.
They show that you are serious about growing yourself and your career and that you understand the goals of the business.
They show that you have taken the time to prepare intelligently and you’re not afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
It’s these types of things that managers LOVE. And they will help you get your boss to go to bat for you when you ask for a raise.
What You’ll Learn Inside Get a Raise Without the Worry
This strategy is just a tiny taste of what you’ll get inside the Get a Raise Without the Worry course.
Check out what each lesson contains here, about halfway down the page.
Each video is packed with tactics and strategies just like this to ensure you get the raise that you deserve without ever having to go through a stressful salary negotiation.
Here is a screenshot from the first lesson, which will help you skyrocket your belief in yourself that you can get a raise, and that you deserve it.

Sign up here to secure your spot.
Talk soon!
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