10 Great Habits for Success In Your 20s

If you want to live a stress free life of financial freedom in your later years, early success is a must in order to allow your assets to grow over time, and give you the flexibility to pick and choose what you do in your later years.
This is something that I was fortunate enough to experience in my 20s, but that was a long time ago, over a decade in fact. Today I welcome my friend Alli Clark, who is a little bit closer to this topic, to share 10 great habits to establish for success in your 20s. Take it away Alli!
What makes certain post-graduates more successful than others? It might be their intelligence, maybe sheer luck, or just who they know, but oftentimes, it’s about developing healthy habits that they may or may not have practiced in college. These habits are what will set them apart from the colossal crowd of new graduates flooding the workforce. Here are 10 habits for success after college!
Habit 1: Eat Healthy
Your diet of cup-of-noodles and mac-n-cheese needs to come to an end once you graduate. In college, your time was most likely limited, and you didn’t have the luxury of a good home-cooked meal by mom or dad. After college, it’s important to break bad eating habits and create a healthy lifestyle that starts with what you’re eating. Learn how to cook healthy meals and try new foods. Having a healthy diet will give you more energy, allow you to sleep better, stress less, and give you the fuel you need to take on the day.
Habit 2: Set Your Alarm (and stick to it)
Oftentimes, college graduates who are looking for a job use the following summer to relax and reward themselves for receiving their diploma. Even though this time is dedicated to transitioning into adulthood, it’s important to start each day with a consistent, healthy morning routine. This all starts by setting an alarm before you go to sleep. This forces you to wake up early, so you have time to schedule out your day. Whether you spend this time applying for jobs, making a mean breakfast, or reading a book, you’re finding what you’re passionate about and maintaining a steady sleep schedule too.
Habit 3: Exercise Consistently
Taking 30 minutes to an hour to exercise on a daily basis not only contributes to feeling great, but looking your best as well. Whether you’re working out at home, or attending a spin class, both options get your body moving in order to sweat away toxins. Working out leads to stronger muscles, more balanced diet and better sleep. After completing a successful workout, you’re more likely to conquer the rest of the day with energy and purpose.
Habit 4: Network
Post-graduation life involves a list of responsibilities that contribute to finding your first career position. Perfecting your resume, writing a cover letter and most importantly networking with industry professionals and alumni within your field. The more you communicate with potential employers, the more knowledge you’ll obtain about company policies, requirements, and expectations. The more you know, the more prepared you’ll be for an interview. Remember, there are so many networking resources out there that allow you to find quality companies that care about your personal and professional growth in the workplace.
Habit 5: Utilize LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a great resource that post-graduates can utilize to not only search for jobs, but to also stay open for available opportunities. LinkedIn gives you the capability to let recruiters know that you’re looking for a job, and more importantly, how you’re looking for a job. You can indicate whether you’re actively looking, casually looking, or open if the right opportunity arises. Keep your profile up-to-date and check it often. LinkedIn also makes it easy to apply for jobs right from the app, creating a successful job hunt.
Habit 6: Gain Control Over Your Finances
If you thought being a poor college student was hard, experiencing financial struggles in the real-world is nearly worse. It is extremely important to budget your savings and limit the amount of cash you spend. To stay organized, create a budgeting spreadsheet or invest in a money management notebook to keep your expenses organized.
On top of regulating your savings, getting a handle on your student loan payments is just as important during your first six months after graduation. Call your student loan provider to discuss all of your repayment options. Choosing a repayment plan, learning more about your ability to refinance a student loan and gaining insight on the amount you have to pay every month are all things to take into consideration when communicating with your loan provider. Go here for more valuable student loan resources!
Habit 7: Find a Hobby You Actually Enjoy
You’ve spent the last four years going to class and possibly being in a club or two, but now is the time to really find the things you enjoy. Find a hobby that you’re passionate about that you can do in your free time or after work. If you just come home after work and do nothing, you’re going to start to get more tired and even unhappy. One of the biggest keys to success is a good work-life balance, where your days don’t feel like all work and no play.
Habit 8: Never Stop Learning
The people who become successful after college aren’t necessarily the ones who were the top of their class, or who were the presidents of their extracurricular activity. Success comes to those who are able to adapt to change and continuously evolve. Don’t allow yourself to become complacent just because you’re no longer in classes. Read books, practice writing, and keep up to date on news in your industry. Those who never stop learning have a better chance of succeeding than those who let it stop with college graduation.
Habit 9: Visualize Your Future (but don’t stress too much)
Visualize where you’d like to be and where you’d like to go. Start prepping and planning now to set yourself up the best way possible to get there. That way, when the opportunities do begin to arise, you’ll be ready to take them head on. But always remember to not stress too much about the future, because it’s more about what you’re doing in the present that’s really going to help you get there.
Habit 10: Teach Yourself New Skills
When you’re job searching, you may realize that the jobs in your field require certain qualifications to be hired, like Photoshop for example. If you see a trend in required skills in your industry, take the time to teach them to yourself. You can teach yourself through reading and watching tutorial videos and with a bit of practice, you’ll learn those skills in no time. Learning these relevant skills will make you more qualified during the application process. It can also make you more successful if you are already hired by showing that you care about your industry and are further developing your skills.