Leading a more successful life isn't just about being more productive, or learning how to manage your finances well. It's about learning how to be a more effective person overall through the acquisition of a variety of skills and knowledge, and I want to be able to help do that for you through Academy Success. So to move closer towards that goal, I teamed up with 9 of my best blogging friends to create an awesome resource full of some of our best tips. It's called "The Lifehacker's … [Read more...]
CrossFit and Cavemen | How Fitness Skyrockets Your Success
Lift. Rest. Lift. Rest. Blah. Anyone who has ever worked out in any sort of regular fashion knows how boring and repetitive it can get. This was the case for me for basically the last year. I was bored with my fitness, and it was affecting not only my health, but my motivation and productivity, in a big way. So I made a change, a change that is turning out to be pretty awesome - but more about that in just a minute. Let's talk about how this is going to help you. Why Fitness is So … [Read more...]
Struggling With Personal Change? Here’s A Surefire Strategy to Make Change Happen
This post was inspired by a comment on Facebook from Lewis Bertolucci, owner of limewedge.net and fellow digital marketer and entrepreneur. The comment identified a very basic, yet very real problem we have in society today – and this isn’t just for the younger generations, it’s for everyone. Entitlement. What do I mean by that? Well Lewis said it best when he said “People often complain about their situation, displace blame or push it off on their circumstances. If … [Read more...]
Personal Finance Lesson: An Easy Way to Save $1000s, Take More Vacations, and Have Way Less Junk
So this post probably isn't going to help you save up a big drug dealer style roll of $100s like the image might indicate, but I can promise you that if you try out the simple personal finance training in this post you will experience a very positive gain in your disposable income, which in turn you can spend, save, donate, or do whatever you want with it. For some reason nearly everyone I know is in the following situation. They don't have as much money as they'd like to. They don't have … [Read more...]