Isn’t it interesting how you can get so excited about a new project, but then once you’re halfway through you want to move onto something else?
Isn’t it interesting how you can set a massive list of goals to have your best year ever, but not accomplish a single one of them?
What’s up with that?
Don’t feel bad. We’ve all been there.
And you know what? Let the past be the past.
Let’s figure out how to change that so you can stop being lazy and have your best year ever.
- Why do we set goals and quit?
- Why do we start projects that we don’t finish?
- Why does it seem like as hard as we try, we just don’t make progress with what we want to accomplish in our lives?
The key is finishing
Think about any period in your life when you’ve made substantial progress. What happened?
You set a goal and you finished something significant.
How did you do it?
- Maybe you had a coach.
- Maybe you had a very high level of energy and passion.
- Maybe you had a need to progress in your life.
Whatever it was, there was some kind of driving force that caused you to finish what you started, and you massively improved your life because of it.
Motivation comes and goes. Excitement can be temporary.
Once you learn to keep yourself continually pushed, motivated, and excited about setting and achieving goals, you become absolutely unstoppable with the progress you can make in your life.
When you learn the systems of the world’s top performers to finish what you started, you kick laziness out the window.
I’ll let you in on a little secret about productivity:
- It’s not about tirelessly working long hours
- It’s not about trying harder than everyone else
- It’s not about some new app on your smartphone
- It’s not about reading a long list of productivity tips that will go in one ear and out the other
To truly make real and significant progress in your life… finally eliminate laziness… and have your best year ever… year after year… learn to become a finisher.
The results of finishing
I started out no different than you or anyone else. I’m not special in any way. But the systems and routines I’ve established in my life have allowed me to accomplish some pretty decent things, and best of all become a finisher.
Here are some of the things I’ve been able to accomplish by learning to finish what I started:
- Completed my MBA
- Paid off over $25,000 of debt
- Increased my annual income by 238%
- Increased my net worth to nearly $400,000
- Went from a 140 pound string bean to a 195 lb legitimately sized human being capable of lifting significantly sized objects. 🙂
No – These are not “other-wordly” accomplishments, but they’re along the lines of what you and a large number of other people are desperately looking to achieve.
What’s the secret, you ask?
Through the teachings of the world’s best productivity experts, I’ve set up a system of goal setting and achievement that will drive success for the rest of my life (that’s the plan anyway :)).
The key word there is SYSTEM. Once you build a sustainable system for yourself, finishing almost takes care of itself.
I started Academy Success to make a difference, and I want you to be able to achieve the same level of success that I have.
Learn from world-class productivity experts
My friend Ramit Sethi, a New York Times best seller, and owner of I Will Teach You to Be Rich, (which generates millions of dollars per year) will be spending the next couple of weeks teaching the best ways to follow through on anything.
We’re not talking about apps or hacks here either. Instead, he’ll be revealing the keys you need to make lasting changes in your life.
And trust me, he knows what he’s talking about. Ramit is one of the top influences in my life and is responsible for the success of tens of thousands of others as well.
Over the last 10 years, he’s grown the blog he started in college into a business that does millions of dollars in sales.
Like me – He wasn’t able to do this because he’s someone special. Ramit has only achieved this level of success because he learned how to follow through on every goal he set.
If you’d like to learn more about the systems he has taught me and that he uses himself to follow through on anything, Ramit is hosting a free, online talk, “How to Conquer Laziness and Finish What You Start” on Wednesday, December 16th at 9 PM Eastern.
Just head over to the page below and get registered here:
Whether you use this material to finish out 2015 strong… or want to make 2016 your best year yet, you won’t want to miss what Ramit will be sharing.
I’ll be there, and you should be too.
Check it all out right here and get registered now. This presentation is happening one time only.