The Power Through It Myth of Productivity – Debunked With the Pomodoro Technique

So I was out eating lunch a few days ago and being the observational (okay… nosy) person that I am, I was listening to a few conversations happening around me. One in particular really interested me. There was a group of dudes at a table close to me who looked like it took them all…


A Simple Process to Make Your New Habits Stick

As we approach the beginning of a new year, you’ve probably got an awesome list of New Year’s Resolutions that you’ve promised yourself you’re going to stick to in 2013. That’s great, but as I’m sure you’ve experienced before… things don’t always go as planned. Don’t worry. It’s not your fault. Society has taught you…


Use The Marathon Mindset to Achieve Your Lifelong Goals

Have you ever wondered what it is that allows marathon runners to achieve not only running one 26.2 mile race after another, but also achieve so many other large goals in their life along the way? It’s almost a rule of thumb that if you’re a marathon runner, you’re also a high achieving individual. They…

jeff walker plf live 2012

Surround Yourself With Success | Your Catalyst to a Lifetime of Accomplishment

This post is going to be awesome. By the end of it you will be inspired to take an action that I know will change the entire way you approach your life. I just got back from Jeff Walker’s PLF Live 2012 event, which is full of highly motivated entrepreneurs and overall just really positive…