Seven Silly Personal Finance Myths That Are Making You Poor

If you’ve been a part of Academy Success for any decent amount of time, you’ll know that I tend to think a little bit differently than the masses. Ultimately, the masses are largely ordinary, and if you wanted to be ordinary, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. So today, as part of our goal…

The 52 Week Money Challenge Debunked, And a Better Savings Strategy

If you’ve been following the financial blogosphere lately, you may have heard about a savings trend that a lot of people are jumping on called “The 52 Week Money Challenge.” This has been featured on sites as popular as Lifehacker, as well as several other smaller financial blogs around the web But with as much…

buy me a trip

[Video] How A Simple Slap to Convention Can Net You Two Vacations

I’ve always thought that doing things because “that’s what you’re supposed to do” is a really dumb reason to do anything, and that plays a big part in what this lesson explores. Nearly every post on this blog shows you how to find a better way to do something in your life, and this may…

small business funding

Small Business Funding for the Unconventional Business

There’s a new wave of business sweeping the world in the last few years. With the online boom, and the lowering of many barriers to start a business, there are literally tens of thousands of one person micro-businesses who have secured some form of small business funding that are providing their owners with a significant…

increase your income

Increase Your Income With These Four Easily In Reach Tactics

For the sake of this post, let’s assume you’ve already optimized your spending habits, and found any leaks in your income stream. That’ll allow us to focus solely on ways to increase your income. A lot of people, when faced with the need to make extra money, take the advice of so-called financial experts, and…