subconscious success

The Super Simple Secret to Subconscious Success

In the book “Connected” by Nicholas Christakis, Christakis reveals study after study that explains how even weak social ties, even people you don’t even know, can drastically influence your behavior. So it’s not that surprising that our closest friends can heavily impact our level of success. A Story of Behavioral Change “You are the average of…

buy me a trip

[Video] How A Simple Slap to Convention Can Net You Two Vacations

I’ve always thought that doing things because “that’s what you’re supposed to do” is a really dumb reason to do anything, and that plays a big part in what this lesson explores. Nearly every post on this blog shows you how to find a better way to do something in your life, and this may…

Accomplishing Short Term Goals, Try This Unconventional Approach

Accomplishing Short Term Goals, Try This Unconventional Approach

Quite a few people struggle with leaving things unfinished. In fact, I used to struggle with this very thing myself. There’s a lot of psychology and brain chemistry at play when it comes to motivation, and the reasons humans behave in certain ways. This has a huge effect with the conventional advice that most big…

free up time
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Q&A Video – How to Free Up Your Time to Work on Personal Projects

This is a question I received from a reader recently named Adam, from PA. “Hey Cody. I’ve got some really cool projects that I’d like to work on, but at the end of the day I just can’t find the time to work on them. What is your number one tip to allow me to…