Getting out of debt doesn't have to be complicated. It doesn't require any super special tricks, complex consolidation practices, confusing spreadsheets, or anything else that might make you want to pull your hair out. If you want to crush your debt, it just comes down to a few key principles that I want to go over with you over the next couple of weeks. As I write this post, my wife and I just purchased a $23,000 nearly brand new car (it was a few years old with very low mileage - … [Read more...]
What To Do With Your Tax Refund to Improve Your Financial Position and Avoid Financial Peril
Here we are - right in the thick of tax season in the United States. What to do with your tax refund is likely one of the biggest questions on your mind, and the dangerous temptations to make bad decisions are coming from everywhere. Banks are offering you crazy amounts of cash for new accountsCell phone companies are offering ridiculous buyouts on your contractsWhat was once a Lee's Famous Chicken is now a tax preparation office, who will obviously get you a "max refund" (they won't and … [Read more...]
Seven Silly Personal Finance Myths That Are Making You Poor
If you've been a part of Academy Success for any decent amount of time, you'll know that I tend to think a little bit differently than the masses. Ultimately, the masses are largely ordinary, and if you wanted to be ordinary, you wouldn't be reading this right now. So today, as part of our goal to create a better financial life for you this year, I challenge you to behave more like the financially successfully by busting open a few myths you may have ingrained into your mind - probably … [Read more...]
Good or Bad? How Our Parents Have Influenced Our Financial Habits
Many people blame their parents for facing financial failures or drawbacks. Did your dad’s nose bar you from getting a prom date? And, what about your mom’s hips that absorb every piece of chocolate that you have? Well, the shape of your wallet could also be impacted by your parents, but these traits come from your upbringing, not through genetics. My attitude about money, whether I spend, save, find a financial balance or even the amount of money that I earn, is most often determined by … [Read more...]
Christmas Debt – Tips For Paying Off Those Presents
This is a guest post by a friend of mine named Tim, a personal finance blogger who writes about achieving financial freedom. By now, you may be feeling the pain from the holiday season. He's going to share with you a few great tips about how to start reducing your debt, and how to prevent it in the future --- Several years ago, before getting my finances under control, I seriously overspent on Christmas gifts to family members. It had been my habit in previous years to skimp on gifts, … [Read more...]
Four Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund for Success
Alright - So a lot of you out there are probably getting big fat tax refunds rolling in about now (at least a couple Gs, right?). Maybe you're not getting a big fat pile of cash like the one in the picture, but most people at least get a nice chunk of change that can be put to good use, one way or another. So you're probably hearing all kinds of BS right now about what to do with it, and I'm going to help give you some good long term ideas in a second (patience my friend), but first I … [Read more...]