steps to better sleep

Can’t Sleep? Read These Three Easy Steps to a Better Night’s Sleep

You wouldn’t think sleep would be part of productivity training, but it is. Think about it. If you’re tired, groggy, and lethargic every day from not sleeping, you’re not going to get a whole lot done. Trust me. I’ve been there. You’re tired as hell, yet you still toss and turn throughout the night. You…

save money on cable bill

Save a G Annually on Your Cable or Satellite Bill (Script Included)

As I write this post, it’s late-March. My NCAA championship bracket is actually doing pretty well and I’m glued to my TV every second of every day watching games, highlights, analysis, and predictions of the NCAA tournament. But afterwards, spring will be in the air, and this Louisville, KY blogger will be focused on things…

how to accomplish anything

How to Accomplish Anything – It’s More Than Putting Your Mind to It

Your parents always told you, “If you just put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.” Eh… kinda. I’m obviously all about personal success and life improvement. That’s mainly what this blog is all about, but the statement above is a bit fluffy.. What does “putting your mind to it” really mean anyway? Can you…

too much email

You Suffer From Email Addiction, And It’s Killing Your Success

Email… It’s introduction made us as a society far more productive than ever before. It was amazing. One day we were licking stamps. The next day we now had the ability to get messages read clear across the world in an instant, for free. It was awesome for the first five years or so of…

monthly subscriptions calendar

Here’s Why Your Monthly Expenses Are Getting Out of Control

I’ve used the technique below for the past couple of years, and it has been working out really well. It will not only save you money, but it will also begin to ingrain a nice basic awareness of what is going on with your finances, which can help pave the way for future personal finance…


Save Precious Hours Each Week by Streamlining Your Morning Routine

If you haven’t noticed by now, I have a little bit of an obsession with the efficient use of time throughout the day. You’ll rarely catch me without a watch or a clock nearby, and I’m always optimizing my processes for maximum efficiency. It’s something that has allowed me to get a lot done to this…

confused about personal change
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Struggling With Personal Change? Here’s A Surefire Strategy to Make Change Happen

This post was inspired by a comment on Facebook from Lewis Bertolucci, owner of and fellow digital marketer and entrepreneur. The comment identified a very basic, yet very real problem we have in society today – and this isn’t just for the younger generations, it’s for everyone. Entitlement. What do I mean by that? Well Lewis…


Eliminate These Five Words to Skyrocket Your Productivity

There are five words in everyone’s vocabulary that will make or break that person’s level of productivity throughout their lifetime. You’ve encountered them many times, and most likely multiple times daily. High level managers, CEOs, world leaders, rockstars, movie stars – Everyone who has ever lived on this planet – even some of the most…