Before you can spend every day on the beach while you sit back and watch your money grow (you better believe that will happen) - at some point you're going to have to get a little bit of work done. You know by now that I'm all about challenging you to think differently, and this post is no different. In fact, even I struggle to think differently in this topic, but I'm actively making it a goal this year. So here's the deal. There's only one of you (hopefully), and you can only do so … [Read more...]
If It’s in Your Head, It’s Not Getting Done
Back in my early 20s, I totally sucked at getting things done. It wasn't until grad school when I was juggling a growing small business, a part-time MBA schedule, and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, that I really started to understand the value of note taking, lists, and how I managed my time. I used to never write anything down. My reasoning was that it would make my mind weaker because I would use it as a crutch. I wasn't doing myself any favors. Silly … [Read more...]
Getting Things Done… Faster. Six All Star Methods to Increase Your Output
Have you ever heard anyone say "Man, I just have way too much time. I mean I just don't know what to do with all of this free time." Yea, didn't think so... None of us do. In fact, "I just haven't had enough time" is by far the number one reason people give for not accomplishing more in their lives. I want you to think a high achieving individual who you aspire to be like (Hint: ideally me :)). Got one? Ok, so here is the interesting thing. That person you thought of has the exact … [Read more...]
Use This Simple Strategy to Guarantee You Become a “Finisher”
So a few weeks ago I was out in Denver, Colorado (beautiful in October by the way) attending a couple of Scrum Alliance training courses. If you're not familiar with the Scrum Alliance, it's a professional organization similar to the Project Management Institute, however Scrum is more focused towards software development. Anyway, I was learning all about Agile Scrum, which, in a nutshell, is a project management process geared towards increasing productivity among teams. While you … [Read more...]
[VIDEO] The Single Best Way to Free Up Time For Personal Goals
The single largest barrier everyone has to accomplishing personal goals is being able to free up time in order to work on them. Sure, some people have more time than others, but almost none of us take the most advantage of the blocks of "free time" we have in our lives as well as we should. I know dozens of people personally who have started with the technique I am about to teach you, have been able to "free up time" as they started to change their routines, and have completely transformed … [Read more...]
Time Is a Created Thing
“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.”- Lao Tzu This is one of the best quotes I've ever read about time. What it basically means is, we all have the same 24 hours each day. What we choose to do with those hours is what makes us the person we are. Time is the ultimate equalizer. What we do with it and how effectively we use it it what separates us from the rest of the crowd. For a person to say "I don't have enough time" is the same … [Read more...]
Wow – Was That Really Worth Your Time?
Caution. Total rant on the way, including a bit of harsh language. I promise there is a lesson in this, but trust me. I have to tell you the story first. It sometimes amazes me how little value many people put on their time. I don't know if they just don't think about it, or if they really don't have anything better to do. In any case, this is just nuts. I usually don't get worked up when I see people doing silly things, but this one really takes the "gigantic waste of time" … [Read more...]
The Power Through It Myth of Productivity – Debunked With the Pomodoro Technique
So I was out eating lunch a few days ago and being the observational (okay... nosy) person that I am, I was listening to a few conversations happening around me. One in particular really interested me. There was a group of dudes at a table close to me who looked like it took them all about an hour to get dressed. Suits, pressed shirts, greasy slicked hair, and blinged out watches that probably cost more than my house payment. Ok, they must be doing something right... right? What … [Read more...]
How to Get Your Copy of Productivity Success Secrets for Free, Until Sept 30th
For those of you that don't want to enter the Kindle Fire HD contest, you can still grab your free copy of Productivity Success Secrets here Starting September 26th, it will only be free until September 30th, so even if you don't plan to read it just yet, go ahead and grab it now. If you don't know much about the book, in short, it's a simple, yet highly effective productivity system that I've developed over the last 5 years or so of my life. I can hands down guarantee that if you read … [Read more...]
Productivity 101: Own Your Day, Don’t Let Your Day Own You
See what I did with the title there - Pretty smooth huh? Don't worry. I'm not gonna start rapping or anything. I discovered a long time ago I have no rhythm. But what I would like to do is shed a bit of light on an all too common problem with a lot of budding successful individuals. The Lost Day Did you ever have one of those days when you looked back on it and couldn't remember a damn thing you got done that was the least bit significant? Usually it happens when someone asks - "So … [Read more...]