Leading a more successful life isn't just about being more productive, or learning how to manage your finances well. It's about learning how to be a more effective person overall through the acquisition of a variety of skills and knowledge, and I want to be able to help do that for you through Academy Success. So to move closer towards that goal, I teamed up with 9 of my best blogging friends to create an awesome resource full of some of our best tips. It's called "The Lifehacker's … [Read more...]
What Can A Frog Teach You About Time Management Skills?
Sounds like a weird question doesn't it? Even so, this question will stick with you after you read this post. One of the coolest productivity training books I've ever read is called "Eat That Frog" by Brian Tracy - I'll link you later, pay attention for now :) This book covers a lot of time management and productivity enhancing methods, all of which are pretty good, but the one that the book is named for is the one that will likely stick with you the most. This, of course, is the … [Read more...]