See what I did with the title there - Pretty smooth huh? Don't worry. I'm not gonna start rapping or anything. I discovered a long time ago I have no rhythm. But what I would like to do is shed a bit of light on an all too common problem with a lot of budding successful individuals. The Lost Day Did you ever have one of those days when you looked back on it and couldn't remember a damn thing you got done that was the least bit significant? Usually it happens when someone asks - "So … [Read more...]
Struggling With Personal Change? Here’s A Surefire Strategy to Make Change Happen
This post was inspired by a comment on Facebook from Lewis Bertolucci, owner of and fellow digital marketer and entrepreneur. The comment identified a very basic, yet very real problem we have in society today – and this isn’t just for the younger generations, it’s for everyone. Entitlement. What do I mean by that? Well Lewis said it best when he said “People often complain about their situation, displace blame or push it off on their circumstances. If … [Read more...]
Eliminate These Five Words to Skyrocket Your Productivity
There are five words in everyone's vocabulary that will make or break that person's level of productivity throughout their lifetime. You've encountered them many times, and most likely multiple times daily. High level managers, CEOs, world leaders, rockstars, movie stars - Everyone who has ever lived on this planet - even some of the most successful people in this world have encountered these five words. There are very few people in this world that are naturally driven to be productive all … [Read more...]
How to Promote Your Personal Brand to Millions of People for Free
Pop Quiz: What advertising platform let's you run an ad to millions and millions of people without paying a single cent? Answer: Facebook (as if that wasn't clear by the huge facebook logo) But how? You would think to promote your personal brand to millions of people you would have to pay out the wazoo for it, right? Well not anymore. Using the facebook advertising platform in a very creative way you can actually spread your personal brand to your target audience for … [Read more...]