You've probably set a few goals in your life, and if you're reading this website, you've probably reached quite a few of them, but let me ask you this question - a question that will change the way you set goals for the rest of your life. Are you practicing effective goal setting? Out of all of the goals you've set for yourself in your life, whether they were long-term goals or short-term goals, how many of those goals have you completely blown out of the water? Probably not very many if I … [Read more...]
Productivity 101: Own Your Day, Don’t Let Your Day Own You
See what I did with the title there - Pretty smooth huh? Don't worry. I'm not gonna start rapping or anything. I discovered a long time ago I have no rhythm. But what I would like to do is shed a bit of light on an all too common problem with a lot of budding successful individuals. The Lost Day Did you ever have one of those days when you looked back on it and couldn't remember a damn thing you got done that was the least bit significant? Usually it happens when someone asks - "So … [Read more...]
Want More Out of Life? Learn The Fast Track Formula of Academy Success
Throughout my life, I've examined a fair number of successful individuals. Being the curious person that I am, I've often wondered, what's so special about them that allows them to continually do the things that they do? A lot of people say you're just born to be successful, that it can't be earned. Well I just can't accept that. I've seen too many ordinary people do extraordinary things to believe that a successful mindset is only inherited. Maybe some people are born with more natural … [Read more...]