
  • Betterment – Incredible easy 401k to IRA Rollovers, and 100% automated investing
  • Capital One 360 offers easy to use online savings accounts to help you save for emergencies

Action Steps:

  • Look into your 401k to identify the safest potential fund to move into in case of an economic collapse
  • Establish and “expense cutting” plan for yourself to prepared in case of employment loss or financial emergency
  • Start contributing to an emergency cash fund to establish 6 months of living expenses (Capital One 360 has great, very easy to use, savings accounts)

Congratulations. You Have Completed 401k Millionaire!

You’re done with the course, but your job is not done yet. If you haven’t already completed all of the action steps within the course, go back and do those now in order to give yourself the best chance to become a 401k Millionaire!

Make sure you set the reminders recommended in the course and follow The Ramp Up strategy, as well as the simple maintenance guidelines to ensure your money grows quickly, and stays safe.

If you have questions or need support, you can always email for assistance.